Can you Drink Alcohol in the Maldives (2024) – Rules to Know

Can you Drink Alcohol in the Maldives

Can you Drink Alcohol in the Maldives?

In the Maldives, the consumption of alcohol is strictly regulated due to the country’s predominantly Muslim culture and laws. Alcohol is prohibited for locals, including in places like the capital city and other inhabited islands.

Can you Drink Alcohol in the Maldives 2024

However, alcohol is available in resorts and liveaboards catering to tourists. Tourists staying in resorts can enjoy alcohol in designated areas like bars and restaurants, but bringing alcohol from outside the resort is illegal. The prices of alcohol in the Maldives are relatively high due to strict import laws and high taxes imposed by the government. To summarize, while alcohol is not permitted in public places or local islands in the Maldives, it is readily available in tourist resorts and hotels. Tourists should be aware of the restrictions on alcohol consumption, especially outside resort areas, and respect the country’s laws and customs regarding alcohol.

Also read: Where is the Maldives located?

Can you drink in the Maldives during Ramadan?

During Ramadan in the Maldives, alcohol consumption is restricted for locals, including in the capital city of Male. However, tourists visiting the Maldives during Ramadan can still drink alcohol in resorts and hotels catering to foreigners. These establishments have designated areas, like bars and restaurants, where alcohol is available for tourists. It is important to note that bringing alcohol from outside the resort is illegal, and tourists should respect the local customs and laws regarding alcohol consumption during Ramadan.

Can you drink at resorts in the Maldives?

Yes, you can drink alcohol at resorts in the Maldives. Resorts in the Maldives, especially those classified as ‘uninhabited,’ serve or allow alcohol consumption. These resorts have fully-stocked bars, minibars in rooms, and even special events with free alcohol for guests. While the Maldives strictly prohibits alcohol in public places and local islands, resorts provide a setting where tourists can enjoy alcohol legally and freely. It is important to note that bringing alcohol from outside the resort is illegal, and tourists should respect the country’s laws and customs regarding alcohol consumption.

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Some popular alcohol-free resorts in the Maldives include:

  1. Fiyavalhu Maldives: This resort is completely alcohol-free, catering to travelers who prefer an alcohol-free environment. It offers a serene getaway without the presence of alcohol.
  2. Pearl Sands of the Maldives: Located on the local island of Huraa, this boutique resort offers a slice of paradise with contemporary-styled rooms, a Balinese-inspired spa, water sports activities, and a restaurant serving international and local dishes. While the hotel is alcohol-free, guests can purchase alcohol from nearby floating bars that dock near the hotel.

These resorts provide a tranquil and relaxing experience for travelers seeking an alcohol-free environment during their stay in the Maldives.

Maldives Alcohol price

The prices of alcohol in the Maldives vary depending on the type of alcohol and the location. In resorts, the cost of alcohol can be relatively high due to the country’s strict regulations. Here are some approximate prices for alcohol in the Maldives based on the provided sources:

  • A can of beer: $5-10
  • Vodka, cognac (50g): $6-12
  • Alcohol cocktail: $15-25
  • Glass of wine: $10-30
  • Bottle of beer: $7-8
  • Glass of wine: $10-15

It’s important to note that these prices are subject to additional charges like service tax and GST, which can significantly increase the overall cost of drinks in the Maldives.

Can you drink in the Maldives for free?

In the Maldives, alcohol consumption is not free for tourists. Alcohol is available in resorts and on liveaboard boats that are licensed to serve it, but it is not allowed on local islands, including Male. Tourists can purchase alcoholic drinks at resort bars, but the prices are generally higher due to taxes and import costs. Some resorts offer all-inclusive packages that include alcohol, but it is not free. It’s important to respect the local laws and customs regarding alcohol consumption in the Maldives.

At what age can you drink in the Maldives?

In the Maldives, the legal drinking age is not officially defined since alcohol is prohibited outside of resorts. However, in resorts, a discretionary drinking age of 18 is generally applied. Tourists staying at resorts can typically enjoy alcohol if they are 18 years old or older. It’s important to note that alcohol consumption is only allowed in designated areas within resorts and not in public places or local islands due to the country’s strict regulations.

What are the consequences of drinking alcohol in public places in the Maldives?

Drinking alcohol in public places or on local islands in the Maldives is strictly prohibited and can lead to fines or even imprisonment. The Maldives, being a predominantly Muslim country governed by Sharia law, has strict regulations against alcohol consumption in public areas. Tourists should be aware that alcohol is only permitted in designated areas, like resorts and liveaboards catering to foreigners. Violating these laws by consuming alcohol in public spaces outside of these designated areas can result in legal consequences such as fines or imprisonment. For more information, Visit Maldives

Maldives alcohol laws

In the Maldives, alcohol is not banned, but its consumption is highly restricted due to the country being a Muslim nation where alcohol is generally forbidden. Alcohol is only permitted to be consumed on resort islands and liveaboard boats that are licensed to serve alcohol to tourists. Local islands in the Maldives do not have licenses to serve alcohol, and it is not available there due to religious and cultural reasons. Travelers should be aware that bringing alcohol into the Maldives is strictly forbidden, and all bags are scanned upon arrival to enforce this regulation. For

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