Where is Maldives? (Map + Islands info) – MaldivesTravelTips

Where is Maldives

Where is Maldives? The Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lanka and India. It is a cluster of almost 1,192 small coral islands grouped across 26 naturally formed atolls, covering an area of over 90,000 square kilometers. The geographic coordinates of Maldives are between latitudes 3°15’N and 7°09’N and longitudes 72°32’E … Read more

Where are the Maldives Islands on a Map? – Maldives Travel Tips

Where are the Maldives Islands on a map?

Where are the Maldives Islands on a map? The Maldives Islands are situated in the north-central Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lanka and India. This archipelagic nation is located close to the equator, with its geographic coordinates at 3°15′N 73°00′E. The islands are spread across an area of over 90,000 square kilometers and comprise approximately … Read more

Where is the Maldives located? [Map and Island] | MaldivesTravelTips

Where is the Maldives?

If you’re thinking about where is the Maldives located on a map, then it is important to know that the Maldives are a small group of islands in the Indian Ocean located in the southwest region of the Asia continent. Where is the Maldives located? The Republic of the Maldives is located in the Indian … Read more

Where are the Maldives located on World Map? Things you need to know about

All the details about the Maldives map location

In this article, we are going to see all the details about the Maldives map. Most travelers who are going or planning a trip to the Maldives have a simple question that arises in many of you: exactly where are the Maldives located? Where are the Maldives located? The Maldives is located in the north-central … Read more